Please join us in july of 2024 for a live auction. July 26th, 2024 5:30pm
All youth must meet 4-H and/or FFA eligibility requirements.
All youth must register their market project at the species designated weigh-in.
All youth that sell an animal in the auction are required to turn in a Thank You note prior to checking out on Sunday. Thank you notes will be provided and mailed by the Auction Committee. Youth are encouraged to follow-up with an additional Thank You gift. Youth are allowed to display award banners during the auction. One additional youth member may assist with holding banners as needed.
Class numbers and judging requirements are listed in the specific breed section of the fair book provided by 4-H and FFA.
Market animal policies are designed to ensure the best possible market product. These projects are terminal and many of these policies are in place to ensure that processing can be done in best possible way.
• 4-H/FFA members with auction animals that test positive for drugs will receive a payment minus the resale value as the auction committee has to pay for the resale animal.
• Each person will be limited to selling a maximum of two market animals (species). They can be the same species. Youth may select TWO from the following:
• Market hog
• Market Goat
• Market Lamb
• Market Steer
• Market Rabbit Roaster or Fryer or Pen of 3
• Poultry Market Chicken Roaster or Fryer or Pen of 3 or a Turkey
• Waterfowl Market Duck or Market Goose
• Livestock must be fed with a standard feed and in a healthy manner following recommended withdrawl times.
• 4-H/FFA members participating in the beef, sheep, swine and goat market project area may tag two animals of the same species at the pre-fair weigh-in. See Livestock Rules #8 for information on alternate forms of tags.
o If 4-H/FFA members tag two animals, records must be keep on both animals as they are both considered part of their project.
o 4-H/FFA members must then decide which animal to bring to fair BEFORE ARRIVAL, as they are only able to bring and weigh one market animal (or pen of 3 chickens or pen of 3 ducks or pen of 3 rabbits) in each species at the Hood River County fair. (4-H/FFA members are only allowed to sell 2 animals/species total at the Hood River County Livestock Auction.) o If the second tagged animal qualifies for a breeding class, the 4-H/FFA member may exhibit in the breeding class. 4-H/FFA records will be required.
• Animals will be weighed as they arrive at the fairgrounds on Tuesday morning of fair week for an official weight. If animal weight is in question, animal will be taken off scales, scales rebalanced, then animal reweighed immediately. That weight will stand as official. Prior to show, scales are checked and certified by State Weights and Measures Division.
• Animals weighing less than the minimum or more than the maximum allowed may not be sold through the auction.
• A market animal receiving a white ribbon in a conformation class will not be able to sell in the livestock auction.
• Animals meeting weight limitations will be evaluated by a qualified judge who will estimate the live quality grades. Judges decisions are final. Purchasers are required to accept the carcass as graded.
• Auction sales are subject to available market. If there is no market, animals will not be auctioned.
• Animals will be sold at the official gross weight.
• There will be a 5% deduction from gross sale price of each animal to help cover auction expenses.
• Once an animal has an official weight and meets the standard for auction, the animal is required to be sold in the auction. If a member chooses to withdraw their market animal from the auction, withdrawal must be done prior to the animal entering the scale at the final weigh in.
• Care and welfare of all market animals is required of the seller until the animals are shipped. • Members will be paid for their animals as soon as ALL buyers have paid for their animals. (Copies of 4-H member’s thank you letters required prior to checks being issued.)
• Animals, which have been previously sold through a finished market animal sale connected with a fair, or livestock show are not eligible for exhibition.
• The same animal cannot be carried in both 4-H and FFA. Separate records must be kept for the 4-H project and FFA project. FFA and 4-H will be judged separately, but sold together. Sold first will be 4-H, odd numbered years, FFA, even numbered years. Animals will be sold as placed. Any run off between 4-H and FFA can be recognized via a banner and announced by the announcer. Each 4-H and FFA member must show their own market animal through the sales ring unless excused by the superintendent.
• Every 4-H/FFA fair exhibitor will be responsible for handling their animals and will be responsible for any animal getting loose and causing injury to any person or to any property, and shall not hold the Board, OSU Extension Service and their employees, and all 4-H Leaders from and against all claims and demands, costs, charges and expenses which incur due to animals not being properly handled or guarded. If problem situations do arise, the 4-H agent or FFA advisor will oversee appropriate action to correct the problem.
• No steroids, stimulants, perfumes, hairspray or foreign materials will be used as a relaxant on any animal exhibited at Hood River County Fair. If such material is used at the fair, the animal will be expelled from the fair
• Market hogs are not to be body shaved or clipped at any time during the 4-H/FFA member’s ownership of the animal. Exceptions are the clipping of the ears and tail of the pig.
• No use of talcum powders, oils or other artificial coating materials will be allowed when fitting or showing animals in all swine classes.
• Artificial coloring of any animal, or any artificial means of removing or remedying physical defects of conformation in animals such as lifting or filling under the skin will be considered as fraud and deception.
o All market animals must have met all medication/feed withdrawl times prior to final weigh in.
o All animals giving evidence of such treatment before or after slaughter will result in the owner being barred from future shows and all awards and sales proceeds being withheld from current show.
• Market Animal Health Record is required on all market beef, sheep, swine and goats and should be turned in at final weigh in.
• COOL (Country of Origin Labeling) affidavits are required for all market sheep, goats, and small animals. COOL affidavits are to be turned in at initial weigh in.
• If a tagged market animal of a 4-H or FFA member should die or become sick/injured: o And the 4-H/FFA member has a second tagged animal, they may use that animal.
o If they do not have a second tagged animal and want to replace the animal, the 4-H/FFA member is to provide the following information within 48 hours to the Livestock Auction Committee:
• A vet statement on the dead, sick or injured animal prepared by a veterinarian or species fair superintendent.
• A statement of support from his/her 4-H leader or FFA advisor regarding the replacement.
• A summary of the events that lead to the death of the animal. • The Fair Superintendent must tag the replacement animal
• If replacement is approved by the Livestock Auction Committee replacement animal does not qualify for rate of gain contest.
• Replacement animal will sell last in sale order for their ribbon placing (e.g., if it received a blue ribbon, the animal would sell last blue or, if received a red ribbon, the animal would sell last red ribbon animal.)
• No replacement request will be granted within 10 days of the start of the Hood River County Fair.
• All market animals must be on the fair grounds premises during allotted times.
BEEF – Final Weigh In is Tuesday of fair week, 5:30-6:00am
• Only beef steers may participate in the market program.
• Steers must be owned by the 4-H and FFA member by March 1.
• Animals must be under 4-H/FFA member’s control. o At first weigh-in (the First Saturday in March) all steers will be haltered with lead ropes attached to the halter.
• All market steers must be weighed and tagged on first Saturday of March at the Hood River County Fairgrounds, 8am-9:30am.
• Steers must be dehorned and fully castrated before initial tagging. (No solid horns) If banded, no mass will be hanging below the band. Steers must be fed in accordance with FDA regulations.
• At fair, steers must weigh 1000 lbs. or more and be graded Select or better (Red Ribbon or Better) by the judge in order to qualify for the sale.
• Steers must be under 24 months of age.
• Brand inspection according to the law in effect at show time will be enforced. Evidence of ownership must accompany each beef exhibit and this evidence must be turned in to the area superintendent when the animals are entered. Transportation slips needed at final weigh-in.
LAMBS - Final Weigh In is Tuesday of fair week, 8:30-10:00am
• Market sheep may be either wethers or ewe lambs.
• Lambs must be owned by the 4-H/FFA member by May 1.
• All lambs must be weighed and tagged on the first Saturday in May at the Hood River County Fairgrounds, 8am-9:30am, to be eligible for sale.
• Castration of Lambs must be initiated before Initial Weigh-in and they must be fully castrated and healed prior to Final Weigh-In. Lambs must have only lamb’s teeth showing at the time of final weigh-in.
• At Final Weigh-in, lambs must weigh at least 110 lbs. to 150 lbs. and be graded Choice or better (Red Ribbon or better) by the judge to qualify for sale.
• All sheep exhibited must have an official ID tag through the USDA Scrapie Eradication Program.
• Lambs must be born in the current year.
HOGS – Final Weigh In is Tuesday of fair week, 8:30-10:00am
• Market hogs may be either gilts or barrows.
• Hogs must be owned by the 4-H/FFA member by May 1.
• All hogs must be weighed and tagged the first Saturday in May at the Hood River County Fairgrounds, 8am-9:30am, to be eligible for sale.
• Castration of Hogs must be initiated before Initial Weigh-in and they must be fully castrated and healed prior to Final Weigh-In
• Animals must be clean before final weigh-in, especially ear tags.
• Pigs are not to be body shaved or clipped at any time during the 4-H/FFA member’s ownership of the animal. Exceptions are the clipping of the ears and tail of the pig. If the animal is body shaved or clipped, it will be placed lower in the sale order.
• At Final Weigh-in, hogs must weigh at least 220 lbs. to 300 lbs. and be graded number 2 or better (Red Ribbon or better) by the judge to qualify for sale.
• The use of Paylean or ractopamine hydrochloride is prohibited.
GOATS – Final weigh in is Tuesday of fair week, 6:00-8:30am.
• Market Goats may be either wethers or does
• Goats must be owned by the 4-H/FFA member by May 1
• All goats must be weighed and tagged on the first Saturday in May at the Hood River County Fairgrounds, 8am-9:30am, to be eligible for sale.
• Castration of Goats must be initiated before Initial Weigh-in and they must be fully castrated and healed prior to Final Weigh-In
• At Final Weigh in, goats must weigh at least 60 lbs., maximum 106 lbs. and be graded a red ribbon or better by the judge to qualify for sale.
• All goats exhibited must have an official ID tag through the USDA Scrapie Eradication Program.
• Goats must still have their kid teeth and must be born on or after November 1st of the prior year.
• Generally market goats should be dehorned. However, If horns are a breed characteristic, dehorning is not required. The requirement is that animals be SAFE and manageable with a lead. If animals show any sign of being unsafe because of their horns, exhibitors may be asked to cap or tip horns or remove the animal from exhibition. All necessary measures to ensure safety for the goat and handler must be taken including pen modifications so head do not get stuck.
RABBITS – Final weigh in is Tuesday of fair week, 10:30-11:30am
• Each member may weigh up to 4 fryers or roasters and choose 3 of them for one market pen of three OR choose 1 of them for an individual market rabbit. The final project must be selected at fair entry. (The market pen of three is judged on conformation, condition and uniformity-they should all be the same breed. Class selection needs to be made prior to final weight in)
• Market rabbits must be owned by June 30
• Fryers under 69 days of age. Weight 3.5-5 pounds.
• Roasters 69-90 days of age. Weight 5-7.5 pounds.
• All market rabbits must be weighted and tattooed on the second Saturday of July at Hood River County Fairgrounds, 8 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. to be eligible for sale
• Each member may weigh up to 4 fryers/broilers or roasters and choose 3 of them for one market pen of three OR choose 1 of them for an individual market chicken (Class selection needs to be made prior to final weigh in)
• Market chickens must be owned within two weeks of hatch date and no later than June 15
• Market chicken fryers/broilers must weigh between 4 to 6 pounds each
• Market chicken roasters must weigh 6-8pounds each
• Chickens must be under six months of age.
• All market chickens must be weighed and banded on the second Saturday of July at Hood River County Fairgrounds, 8 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. to be eligible for sale
• Each member may weigh up to 4 ducks and choose 3 of them for one market pen of three OR choose 1 of them for an individual market duck. Selection must be made at fair entry (Class selection needs to be made prior to final weigh in)
• Market ducks must be owned within two weeks of hatch date and no later than June 15
• Market ducks must weigh between 5 to 10 pounds
• Ducks must be under six months of age.
• All market ducks must be weighted and banded on the second Saturday of July at Hood River County Fairgrounds, 8 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. to be eligible for sale
• Each member may weigh up to 2 geese and choose 1 of them for an individual market goose (Class selection needs to be made prior to final weigh in)
• Market geese must be owned within two weeks of hatch date and no later than June 15
• Market geese must weigh between 8 to 15 pounds each
• Geese must be under one year of age.
• All market geese must be weighted and banded on the second Saturday of July at Hood River County Fairgrounds, 8 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. to be eligible for sale
• Each member may weigh up to 2 market turkeys and choose 1 of them for an individual market Turkey (Selection needs to be made prior to final weigh in)
• Market Turkeys must be owned within two weeks of hatch date and no later than June 15
• Market turkeys must weigh between 16 to 35 pounds each
• Turkey’s must be under one year of age.
• All market turkeys must be weighed and banded on the second Saturday of July at Hood River County Fairgrounds, 8 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. to be eligible for sale
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